REVIEW: The third and last installment in the series, Maze Runner: The Death Cure takes off with the Gladers — Thomas (Dylan O’Brien), Frypan (Dexter Darden) and Newt (Thomas Brodie-Sangster) on a dangerous mission to save one of their friends, Minho (Ki Hong Lee) and, of course, the world from a terrifying end. Among the last few to have remained immune to Flare, the deadly virus that has laid siege on a majority of the world’s population, the Gladers are running against time to find a cure. As they attempt to sneak into the Last City, they encounter a series of obstacles that threaten their very existence.
There are several fast-paced action sequences in the film that will keep you engaged but only till a certain point. The interminable length of the film stretched to way over two hours is a dampener. It ensures that your mind keeps meandering and eventually makes it difficult to keep up with the incessant twists and turns in the plot. Shot on a fairly lavish scale, the special effects deserve a mention for their superiority. However, you wish director Wes Ball had gone with a more measured screenplay, which would have made the film enjoyable even for those who haven’t watched the previous two installments. The film also suffers a bit because it tries to juggle too many plot lines without being able to balance them well.
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